The Chesapeake DCSE office isn't apart of DSS, it is a pilot office, where the service is out source to see if the State can Save money by out sourcing DCSE services to Private contractor. Click here to Go to their Website.

Support Fees

double standard By Connie Williams' count, her ex-husband owes her about $70,000 in child support payments.

So when the Chesapeake mother received a letter from the state's Division of Child Support Enforcement saying that she would be charged a $25 annual fee for the government's help collecting it, she thought it was wrong.

"I think it's deplorable," she said. "We should not be penalized in any way. I know $25 is a small amount, but it's like a little slap in the face."

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However She isn't really paying now is she. No she isn't. It will deducted from child support payment that the NCP pays. So if the NCP make a payment in the amount of $100, he will get full credit for the $100 and she will get a check for $75.00. So who is really paying this fee.

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  1. Unknown Says:

    Technically, Connie is paying the fee. Child support is charged to the NCP and given to the CP. If the monthly amount due is $100.00 then she will receive $100.00 (if paid by NCP). Therefore, if DCSE takes a service fee of $25.00 from the money Connie is SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE, then it is being taken from the child support owed by the NCP. This leaves Connie $25.00 SHORT of child support for that month. Even though the fee is being collected out of the money PAID by the NCP, the fact that this fee is being TAKEN FROM THE FULL AMOUNT OWED TO THE CP makes it the CP's apparent responsibility.

    For instance: I work in downtown Richmond. Parking is not free! All parking for employees is supposed to be validated and paid for through the company checkbook (per company handbook). Granted, it is paid through THEIR checkbook, they take it from US as employees by automatically deducting $25.00 every month from our paychecks. (Garnished-before we can ever see it) Regardless of where it comes from, the money is owed to us because we worked for it. If the company wants to validate parking, then they should take it from their own company account as a separate business expense/payout. So even though it is coming from their account, our paychecks are cut $25.00 short. Who is really paying for the parking?

    Now, with that being said, I am a CP. I have gone through DCSE once before and dropped my case because they do nothing but rip people off and overcharge for no valid reason. I never ever agree or side with my daughter's father, ever. However, when he is being charged ridiculous amounts of fees and money by DCSE who is not following their "pro to call"-if you will, I am the first to stand up for him and say when enough is enough. Personally, if DCSE was a legitimate company with legitimate standards of reason, I would be more than willing to pay the annual fee of $25.00. I, as the CP,technically DID hire them to assist/assure child support is taken and disbursed. Would I hire a nanny to assist in the care of my child and not pay her for her services? Like DCSE, if she was a horrible worker, I would fire her and refuse to pay. However, unlike DCSE, if she were doing as expected I would be more that happy to pay for the service. After all, I was the one that appointed nanny/DCSE to take care of business. Right?