The Chesapeake DCSE office isn't apart of DSS, it is a pilot office, where the service is out source to see if the State can Save money by out sourcing DCSE services to Private contractor. Click here to Go to their Website.

Support Fees

double standard By Connie Williams' count, her ex-husband owes her about $70,000 in child support payments.

So when the Chesapeake mother received a letter from the state's Division of Child Support Enforcement saying that she would be charged a $25 annual fee for the government's help collecting it, she thought it was wrong.

"I think it's deplorable," she said. "We should not be penalized in any way. I know $25 is a small amount, but it's like a little slap in the face."

Read Entire Story

However She isn't really paying now is she. No she isn't. It will deducted from child support payment that the NCP pays. So if the NCP make a payment in the amount of $100, he will get full credit for the $100 and she will get a check for $75.00. So who is really paying this fee.

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Privatized offices of DCSE.

AS of July 30, 99 there was four Privatized Offices in VA, they are Chesapeake, Hampton, Alexandria and Arlington. I’m not sure but as May 2007only two privatized offices were left, Chesapeake and Hampton. Chesapeake Office is ran by Policy Studies Inc. Here is their address 1899 Wynkoop Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80202.


So other facts to think about Twelve Case Closure Criteria

1. Current support order does not exist and arrears are less than $500 (see assumption 1 below).

2. NCP or putative father is deceased.

3. DCSE cannot establish paternity (see assumption 2 below).

4. Location of NCP is unknown, and regular attempts using multiple sources to locate the NCP have been unsuccessful for more than three years (see assumption 3 below).

5. NCP has no income or assets, and cannot pay support for the duration of the child s minority because NCP is (1) institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, (2) incarcerated with no chance of parole, or (3) has a medically verified total and permanent disability.

6. NCP is a citizen of and lives in another country and has no reachable income or assets, or the Commonwealth is unable to establish reciprocity with the country where the NCP lives.

7. DCSE has used all applicable locate services for a Locate Only case (see assumption 4 below).

8. A non-TANF applicant/recipient requests closure of his/her case and there is no assignment to the Commonwealth of medical support or arrears that accrued under a support order.

9. The local department of social services finds good cause in TANF, Medicaid only, or AFDC/FC cases why DCSE may not continue efforts to secure support without risk of harm to the CP or child.

10. For non-TANF cases, DCSE is unable to contact the CP within a 60- calendar-day period despite an attempt by at least one letter sent by first class mail to the applicant/recipient s last known address.

11. For non-TANF cases, the applicant/recipient is not cooperative regarding an action that is essential for the next step in providing services.

12. For incoming interstate cases, the initiating state fails to take an action which is essential for the next step in providing services.



Also this is very interesting.


It is important to note that JLARC staff are not recommending that these “inactive” and “unworkable” cases be closed, although after additional analysis by DCSE, many of them may be able to be closed.


If these case were close the amount of support owe would drop. (this was later report in a new report that DCSE was keeping this cases open for that very reason to show that more support was owe that couldn’t be collected because the payor (ncp) was dead with no estate to attach.




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Letter sent 9/29/03

Dear sir,


The payee named in your support order, pursuant to the Virginia Code below has changed. This change applies only to the specific support order identified above


1.       The custodial parent receives child or child/spousal support services from the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). Effective Immediately upon receipt of this notice, make your check or money order payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. Mail payments (including any arrears payments) to the Division of Child Support Enforcement . P.O. Box 570, Richmond, VA 23218-0570. Include the CSE case number above and your social security number on the payment. Do not send cash. If you make payments to anyone other than the DCSE after you receive this notice , the payment will be considered gifts. They will not be deducted from your support account even if you provide copies of the payments.

2.       The custodial parent no longer receives child or child/spousal support services form the Division Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). EFFICTIVE IMMEIATELY upon receipt of this notice, make your check or money order payment to the custodial parent. Mail payment (including any arrears payments) to the custodial parent.

3.       The custodial parent no longer receives child or child/spousal support from the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY upon your receipt of this notice, make your check or money order for current support payment to the custodial parent. Continue to make your check or money order for arrears payments payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. Mail current payment only to the custodial parent. Mail arrears payments to the Division of Child Support Enforcement , P.O. Box 570, Richmond, VA 23218-0570.

If you have questions concerning this notice, contact me.


P Thiel

Authorized Representative.


I was to respond to the first on this list. My ex, reopen her case with DCSE, by using an out of Date CS order, that was signed in 97. However in 2002, the judge cut off support because she fail to show for court and was on the run. I guest she forget to tell Ms Thiel this. Then again shouldn’t it be policy to check with the courts to see if the order is still valid. I had to take time off and travel to Virginia to Prove that no support was order. Just sending in the paper work wasn’t good enough for Ms Thiel. After our meeting she told me that , there would be no farther action on this matter then a court date can be set, and only if child support was reordered.

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From DCSE dated 5/21/99

Dear Sir,


We are responding to your request for information regarding your child support account (s).


Enclosed is the record of payment received and disbursed through our agency from:


                The arrearage on your account is:



                The amount of your child support obligation is: 





We hope this information is useful to you. If you have further questions, please contact our customer service unit at



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They Don't Know I BCC it to someone else.

What they don't know it that when i email my complaint to them I BCC it to two others. With DSS and a person in Nick Young Office, the Head of DCSE. I wonder what will be there take on this complaint

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The Reply to my complaint

Good Morning Mr.XXXX,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ezzard Roberts, Supervisor of Enforcement for the Chesapeake District Office of Child Support. I am contacting you on behalf of my District Manager, Gerald Berry who is currently unavailable at the present time to address your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint as well as this case thoroughly in respect of your request.

Your first complaint clearly suggest that the Chesapeake DCSE office has "leaked" personal information to your ex-wife such as personal phone numbers, work history, and a certain legal matter in North Carolina. In regards to this complaint after my review I have found no evidence that DCSE in any way acted according to this manner. However, I have found that on more than several occasions that the Custodial Parent herself did contact our agency and provided this information for enforcement purposes. It is at all possible that the Custodial parent may "possibly" have other avenues of obtaining this information.

You have also indicated that the workers whether they be past or present has not complied with any request for payment information in a timely manner. My review concludes that your 1st letter of this nature was received 07/13/05 and the request was forwarded by restricted mail on the very same day. There was a 2nd letter similar to this request received by our office 03/11/06 which I would agree was not handled in such a timely manner, however that issue has been addressed with the case worker. However during that time several attempts were made by the case worker, in the form of arrearage statements with a request from the worker for you to contact her directly because at that point you were adamant about not relinquishing your telephone number to DCSE.

I do sympathize and apologize for your relationship with a past worker, Ms. Thiel who is no longer with DCSE. If you were treated with rudeness I do apologize to that effect however Ms. Theil is no longer an employee with DCSE so I do not feel as if it is appropriate to revisit the issue. It appears that you and Ms. Theil had numerous dialogue during this period and you personally addressed your concerns in regards to your client, worker relationship to her in writing and took action yourself by indicating that you would correspond with her only in writing, in which you did.

Overall the processing of this case was handled correctly and in accordance with DCSE policy. All of the appropriate actions were taken, this case was closed and reopened several times and numerous orders where passed, all which were processed properly at the time they were received. We have conferred with the worker and counseled with her in regards to all matters we felt were appropriate.

In closing I will provide you with my direct telephone number should you have any further issues or questions.

Ezzard C. Roberts

Enforcement Team Leader

Chesapeake District Child Support

814 Greenbrier Circle Suite U

Chesapeake, VA 23320

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My Complaint was received

Gerald Berry

Program Manager


814 Greenbrier Circle, Suite U

Chesapeake, VA 23320

Dear Mr. Berry,

I would like to letter/email to be considered as a formal complaint against the workers of my DCSE case, case number XXXXXXXXX, which started in the Chesapeake office in later 96 or early 97. Since that time the personnel of the local Chesapeake office, have leak personal information to my ex-wife. The personal information I’m referring to is personal phone numbers, work history, and more recently a personal legal matter in North Carolina.

Here are list of complaints.

1. Not replying to letters of request of information (payments, arrears statements) in a timely matter. Often have to include “I would like said info with 10 days, or I will contact Richmond.”

2. The release of my phone numbers to my ex-wife on several occasions (my personal home number, my cell, and my family numbers as well.) there is a collation with my release of my number to DCSE and falsified phone harassment charges brought by my ex-wife within days of DCSE receiving my new contact number, which in most were not my personal home number.

3. Closing of my case without notification to such closure, and then reopening of case with an out-of-court order. (The order could be validated with a phone to the courts, to see if it was still valid.) At this time the courts ordered no support at all. Yet, Ms Theil tried to reopen this case by using a court order dated 12/1/97, that order was replace with a new one on 6/05/02, which was before the one dated 3/21/03 which cut off support. On or about the 11th of September of 2003 Ms Theil sent me a letter stating that “the payee named in your support order, pursuant to the VA Code below has changed. The change apples only to the specific support order identified above JA_045887, (leaving out which order it was, the last one order before this letter was JA-045887-09-07) that I was to submitted payment immediately to the State Treasurer. I phone Ms Theil after receiving the letter, I informed her that I have a recent order stating no support, she inform me that’s not what she had, that she had the order that stated I was to pay $311/m. Since we could agree over to the phone, I paid her a visit at the Chesapeake office with a few days. I showed her the order and she told me that this stop all actions by them till a new order is entered.

a. Then on 5/05/04 Ms Theil replied to my request for information and stated “ Attached is a payment history, per your request. In addition the advance notice of lien that was sent to you in February was sent to cover the full amount of your arrears not previously covered. I was never sent any advance notice of a lien in February or with the letter date 5/05/04. I sent another request for a copy of this lien on July 21, receive by DCSE on Jul 26. And was told I would have to get a copy from the courts, was on letter dated 7/29/04 in someone’s handwriting. (Note that I don’t live in VA)

4. Ms Theil rudeness with a employer, I wrote the department had gave them my new employer address, but nothing was sent to them, I called her and ask why she got very rude on the phone, I gave her the info once again, she ask for the home office which I didn’t know so I gave her my work number and my manger name. I was informed by my manger that Ms Theil was very rude with her and implied that she was covering for me. I tried to work two jobs and once I got hired by another employer I call in with that information and told her to send a withholding order and I would allow it, to help with my arrearages. So time later I left the first job because the second job wanted me full time. Both Jobs had withholding ordering place, in May Ms Theil sent me a notice to called her because she receive notice that I was no longer at job one. I call her and told her that my other employer info was already on file, she informed me it wasn’t then shortly later confirm the information on my other employer. (I can only guess she wasn’t reading her computer screen)

5. On March 3rd I received a letter from Ms Steward asking for me to contact her. I did so, she want to know about my new employer. I refuse to give her this info since my support was being paid each month on time and a very large amount. She informed me of the VA law requiring me to give her this info. I informed her that I don’t live in VA and she couldn’t force me to give her the info. And as long as the payments was being paid to leave me alone. Then in May she contacted me once again about my payments. At this time my payments where be paid by Cigna each month, Cigna sent out the payment about the 28th of each month, so it can arrive before the 3rd. In March the check for April arrive early to the Treasurer office, so it was posted in March and not April. She wanted to know why no payment was made in April. I try to explain to her the way Cigna pays this support. Under the court order that Cigna has to follow I must receive the payment from my mother death on or before the 3rd each month, it is noted on the check that the check can’t be cash before the third of each month. I told her that the Treasurer got the April check at the end of March, and I don’t control when the State Deposits the check. She informs me that’s not the way Cigna payments out to people. I informed her that it was on my case and since Cigna has been sending this check more than 15 years to my family I knew more about it then she would ever know about.

6. In letter dated 10/05/06 Ms Stewards state she have no way to speak with me and to call her, I did and gave her my sister’s number, which later a family member of my ex-wife called me. My sister’s number is not published and is block form callers id boxes. That exchange wasn’t nice.

7. In May of 2007 I enter in a contact sell of my benefits from my mother’s death, at the time I owed about 1700 in back support, at this time my benefits were no longer being taken by DCSE, I borrowed enough money to pay off this arrears so everything would go as plan. Ms Steward filed a new withholding order to stop this sell. I was later asked about this sell from another of my ex-wife family later in an email from them. This is the only family member that lets me know how my son is doing. How else would she know I was selling this income? The sell did go through on a later date.

8. Now some time in September My ex-wife closed or has tried to close the case. Now my court order said that I’m to pay through the DCSE, no other way is allow if done so then those payments are gifts and won’t be counted.

9. Ms Steward sent a withdraw notice to Cigna but informs then a new one will be coming soon. In October, November, December I receive my payments that Cigna made on my behalf back to me from DCSE. I call Cigna and ask if they have received the order to stop payments to DCSE they confirm this and told me that Ms Steward told then that a new withholding order would be sent soon as it was signed. My last court date was in 2005. This is not an administrative order through DCSE it is a Court Order Child Support. DCSE and the Courts have my current address on file since 2002, yet, in some cases my notices from DCSE are sent to an address in VA (a family address, which they forward the mail to when this happen). When I call DCSE through the new phone center and ask for my case worker to call me ASAP. I received a call from Ms Steward I ask why she allowed this case to be close, she told me it’s wasn’t her call, that my ex didn’t want their services. Then I ask Ms Steward about the withdrawal order for Cigna and what she told them. She told me that she never told Cigna that. Fine, but why would Cigna Lie to me.

10. I request a copy of the withdrawal letter, she informed me that this information would be sent out on Tuesday because the holiday on Monday. (this was at the end of January) I received the said papers in February about two weeks later.

Thank you for your time on this matter.

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