The Chesapeake DCSE office isn't apart of DSS, it is a pilot office, where the service is out source to see if the State can Save money by out sourcing DCSE services to Private contractor. Click here to Go to their Website.

No Dead-Beat Dad, ruin of credit report, stealing from dad, stealing from new wife Virginia Beach Virginia

Warning!! DCSE in Virginia will ruin you through your credit report by falisification. It doesn't matter if you have paid everytime and on time since court ordered to do so. They send it to the credit bureau as an 'arrearage' which is a false statement of fact.

I am the new wife. We've been married only a year. I have been medically retired and am on disability. Our first tax year together and we filed jointly. Virginia DCSE is taking the complete State Tax return. (Federal law allows for 'injured spouse')

They even denied us the right to an appeal hearing, using antiquated codes spouting 'Not a mistake of fact'-'appeal denied as your basis for contesting the state tax intercept does not relate to an error in the amount of delinquent support owed'. Can you Believe! Of course it doesn't you blooming idiots it relates to the fact that you are stealing from me. I'm in the process of finding out if I can file a civil case against them.

What hog wash is this? I've been on the other side of the fence and obviously my ex got it oh soooo easy. They are sticking it to my new husband who is NOT a dead-beat dad. He has paid regularly and on-time every time since the court order came through. The children are 24 and 29.

When I contacted DCSE they told me that basically things had to be this way because of Dead-beat dads, then why is it I'm reading here about all the dad's that are getting away with it and one of the good guys is getting skunked at every turn?

This is pure crap and I'm not going to take it lightly. I've already initiated a few inquiries and when I receive the information about the codes/regulation/rules governing their procedures I will be hounding the Virginia Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and any and all others concerned, not to mention the civil case.

My husband's ex moved to CA with thier children when the youngest was one and my husband was only just reunited with the youngest a year ago. The courts refused to tell him where his children were or how he could contact them, or even to send his information to the children.

So how is it right that he should get skunked like this? I am not saying it's the ex-wife's fault, she had been told they would give the father information to contact the children and when she didn't get the father's information she assumed he didn't want contact. The court system shouldn't be allowed to do the things they do either.

On top of all of this, I requested a full summary of payments (the report) and they have 'misplaced' some of his payments. At this point it looks as if they have cheated him by nearly $2000.00.

This of course has not effected the interest so they not only have cheated him by $2000 on payments but they didn't miss a chance to add more interest. Once he pays the bulk of his child support it will take nearly 10 more years to pay off the interest. Oh and did I tell you...when the divorce was done the court didn't address child support, so when the children needed services from CA it was then that child support was addressed...hence their terms of 'arrearage'.

I asked where the interest they are charging will go. They said to the custodial parent. I'd like to think they were telling the truth, but I don't.

Virginia Beach, Virginia

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