Privatized offices of DCSE.
Posted On Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at by JTSAS of July 30, 99 there was four Privatized Offices in VA, they are Chesapeake, Hampton, Alexandria and Arlington. I’m not sure but as May 2007only two privatized offices were left, Chesapeake and Hampton. Chesapeake Office is ran by Policy Studies Inc. Here is their address 1899 Wynkoop Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80202.
So other facts to think about Twelve Case Closure Criteria
1. Current support order does not exist and arrears are less than $500 (see assumption 1 below).
2. NCP or putative father is deceased.
3. DCSE cannot establish paternity (see assumption 2 below).
4. Location of NCP is unknown, and regular attempts using multiple sources to locate the NCP have been unsuccessful for more than three years (see assumption 3 below).
5. NCP has no income or assets, and cannot pay support for the duration of the child s minority because NCP is (1) institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, (2) incarcerated with no chance of parole, or (3) has a medically verified total and permanent disability.
6. NCP is a citizen of and lives in another country and has no reachable income or assets, or the Commonwealth is unable to establish reciprocity with the country where the NCP lives.
7. DCSE has used all applicable locate services for a Locate Only case (see assumption 4 below).
8. A non-TANF applicant/recipient requests closure of his/her case and there is no assignment to the Commonwealth of medical support or arrears that accrued under a support order.
9. The local department of social services finds good cause in TANF, Medicaid only, or AFDC/FC cases why DCSE may not continue efforts to secure support without risk of harm to the CP or child.
10. For non-TANF cases, DCSE is unable to contact the CP within a 60- calendar-day period despite an attempt by at least one letter sent by first class mail to the applicant/recipient s last known address.
11. For non-TANF cases, the applicant/recipient is not cooperative regarding an action that is essential for the next step in providing services.
12. For incoming interstate cases, the initiating state fails to take an action which is essential for the next step in providing services.
Also this is very interesting.
It is important to note that JLARC staff are not recommending that these “inactive” and “unworkable” cases be closed, although after additional analysis by DCSE, many of them may be able to be closed.
If these case were close the amount of support owe would drop. (this was later report in a new report that DCSE was keeping this cases open for that very reason to show that more support was owe that couldn’t be collected because the payor (ncp) was dead with no estate to attach.