The Chesapeake DCSE office isn't apart of DSS, it is a pilot office, where the service is out source to see if the State can Save money by out sourcing DCSE services to Private contractor. Click here to Go to their Website.

Letter sent 9/29/03

Dear sir,


The payee named in your support order, pursuant to the Virginia Code below has changed. This change applies only to the specific support order identified above


1.       The custodial parent receives child or child/spousal support services from the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). Effective Immediately upon receipt of this notice, make your check or money order payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. Mail payments (including any arrears payments) to the Division of Child Support Enforcement . P.O. Box 570, Richmond, VA 23218-0570. Include the CSE case number above and your social security number on the payment. Do not send cash. If you make payments to anyone other than the DCSE after you receive this notice , the payment will be considered gifts. They will not be deducted from your support account even if you provide copies of the payments.

2.       The custodial parent no longer receives child or child/spousal support services form the Division Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). EFFICTIVE IMMEIATELY upon receipt of this notice, make your check or money order payment to the custodial parent. Mail payment (including any arrears payments) to the custodial parent.

3.       The custodial parent no longer receives child or child/spousal support from the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY upon your receipt of this notice, make your check or money order for current support payment to the custodial parent. Continue to make your check or money order for arrears payments payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. Mail current payment only to the custodial parent. Mail arrears payments to the Division of Child Support Enforcement , P.O. Box 570, Richmond, VA 23218-0570.

If you have questions concerning this notice, contact me.


P Thiel

Authorized Representative.


I was to respond to the first on this list. My ex, reopen her case with DCSE, by using an out of Date CS order, that was signed in 97. However in 2002, the judge cut off support because she fail to show for court and was on the run. I guest she forget to tell Ms Thiel this. Then again shouldn’t it be policy to check with the courts to see if the order is still valid. I had to take time off and travel to Virginia to Prove that no support was order. Just sending in the paper work wasn’t good enough for Ms Thiel. After our meeting she told me that , there would be no farther action on this matter then a court date can be set, and only if child support was reordered.

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